(All of these images and ideas are just made up by me. This is all of my ideas base on what I think about BTS' LOVE YOURSELF series)

(I use the first-person point of view of my bias, Kim Seok-jin, "Jin")

          ~~ Intro: The reality of life created a wonderful Serendipity. All these instances are no of coincidence. I could feel that the world is different from yesterday. With your joy, when you called me, I became a flower. As we were waiting, we ached too much waiting for us to bloom. Maybe it’s the providence of the universe. It has just to be that you know, you are me, and I am you. As much as my heart flutters, I’m worried that the destiny is jealous of us. Just like you, I’m so scared. When you see and touch me, the universe has moved for us. There wasn't even a little miss. Our happiness was meant to be because you love me and I love you. You're my angel, my world. Love me now, touch me now. Just let me love you. Since the creation of the universe, everything was destined. Everything was destined for us since we are now connected to each other.
          An unbreakable tie that flows within us, a united bond. It is our DNA. At first sight, I could recognize you as if we were calling for each other. The DNA that flows in my blood vessels tells me that you are the one that I was looking all over. You are the source of my dream. Take my hand. My hands reaching to you is my chosen fate. None of this is a mere coincidence because we’re the two who found our destiny. When you say that you love me, it feels like I’m walking across the sky. Tell me about forever just one more time, when you say that you love me, I just need those words. Promise me that you’ll never change. You’re everything to me. We have shared something and you can’t make it nothing, I hope you don’t forget. You got the Best of Me, so please just don’t leave me. I haven’t seen the end of my life, but if there’s such a thing, wouldn’t it be you? I wanted to be a warm wave, but why didn’t I know you’re the ocean? I’m speaking in your language and I’m breathing in your breath therefore I’ll be you and you hold me. So take my hand right now. I can’t believe myself. Those words, I said those thousand of times to myself only. Don’t leave me please. Whether this a dream or reality, it’s not important. Just the fact that you’re at my side, its fine with me. You’re my salvation, my shield. What ever unhappiness comes, it will all stop because you brought heaven to me. Don’t speak so easily because without you, there’s no me. Just give me assurance and that’s all I want. Even if there are no rules, Laws of love do exist. My greatest master is you. You hide but only appear when you smile. Don’t lie, I know you’re an angel. What are you? That smile is cruel. I shouldn’t have seen that cheek. What’s really dangerous is in your possession. That Dimple is illegal. It’s so dangerous. Because of that, your existence alone is a crime. Was it a mistake made by an angel or a deep kiss? But I want it anyway since I don’t have it only you have it. I wanna die fallen in you, locked in you. When you smile, I get dizzy so please be careful. Its been months since we became together. We are fallen in love too much but why is that my heart still lack something. I do not why is it like that even though I found you already. Its already February and your finals are due in the following days. I know that you need to focus really hard in your studies, therefore I will not bother you for the mean time. Even your parents tell you that you should stop watching and listening to music or things that will distract you from focusing in your study.

          But why is the time not on yours? What happened to you? Why didn’t you obey our advise? Why did you opted to follow the sound of the pipe that has been rendering in your surroundings. Don’t you know that it will just ruin you? You followed the Pied Piper that the only thing he know is destructing the precious human life. Since you followed the sound of his pipe, you’re now different than before. He’s a bit dangerous yet you still close your eyes then open your ears. I cannot believe you. You really chose the side of the evil rather than the good ones. Its your decision and fate so I will not hold on you. We’ve been together now for about a month, but I forgot to tell you that I dream to be the best singer/ musician in the world. I want to conquer the world stage of music that is why I am persevering to do my best in my own way. MIC Drop, the song that I listened. A song that reflects how successful the singers are. Somewhat I associate myself with the song. After being a successful person, it seems that I bragged it too much to others that I didn't realize that I am losing my attention to you. I already forgot you because of my dream. Are you still okay? You are with me in this fight. We fly together to achieve what I am, what we are. With my dream, haters need to go away. I should live a meaningful life. Goodluck. We only live once, you only live once. We should enjoy every moment of life because we don't know when we will disappear. Just Go, Go with the flow. We should seize every moment, have fun, relaxation, everything. We have all the money so what should we do??? Spend it! Spend every minute on our happiness. Everyday is a special day. Treasure it well because we do not know when it will lasts and disappear. We have the power to control ourselves and no one can get that from us. We should live in a world that as calm as a Sea where no one can disturbed us. This calmness, is it true? Can we live in a calm life? Life without worries? I am walking and yet I ended up in the sea. I feel the breeze of the wind, I can hear the clash of the waves at the shore. The sands are can be seen everywhere. These waves that I can hear, are they my problems? Why is that those waves are always recurring in my mind? It seems that they are the things that are clashing ti each other in order to find who would be superior and inferior. I know that I am in despair. I know my problems. Am I feeling the waves already? I know that I can overcome this. I am swallowing all those dry sand skist to stop this sea of tears. These waves in my own. Where there is hope, there is hardships. This feeling that I have with you, is this a problem already? Why is that whenever I see you, I feel that there is a gap between us? Because of you, I am crying in sea of tears. Because of you, I am feeling down, depressed. Because of you, I am lonely. No one is with me.
          Outro: Because of Her, I am torn into pieces. These pieces that cannot be put back again from its original state. It made my eyes Tear ~~


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