(All of these images and ideas are just made up by me. This is all of my ideas base on what I think about BTS' LOVE YOURSELF series)

(I use the first-person point of view of my bias, Kim Seok-jin, "Jin")

               ~~ There are many valuables in this world that we are living. Bags, jewelries, money. What could it be? I cannot decide which will I seek first. What could be the treasure that I am looking for? 

               Then suddenly, I remember something in my mind. I remember the moments with my friends that made me look back on what we have done. I still try to visualize and recreate those happy moments that we have, but sadly we do now have different ways. Even though that we have different ways, I still reminisce those moments that we have, sharing each other’s happiness, and sorrow. This instance in my life made me realize what we could have done today if we did not those wrongful past. What could be the effect now? Can I save ourselves from doing those wrongful things and have a joyful life? For me, it is still a nightmare that can’t be vanished easily. Can I turn back the time and redo the past? There are still questions that cannot be answered. This life has been full of misery, pain, sufferings. I cannot see the beauty of life anymore. If so, what could be the solution?

               Looking back to my goal, I still need to find the answer in the missing link. I thoroughly searched the corners of the world in order to seek the answer. Then suddenly, something popped up in front of me. It is not a bag, money or jewelry. It is a person. Am I just wondering or is reality? I do not know what is the truth but if this is a dream, would you have wandered lost, searching for the dream erased like a rainbow? This is different from the typical words like “fate”. Your pained eyes see the same thing as me. Will you please stay in my dream hmm? From far away, I can hear the sea. Pass your dreams, clamber through the bush, and go to the places that becomes clearer. When I’m with you, I’m in Utopia. Just take my hands now, you are the cause of my Euphoria. Even if the sand divides, even if someone rattles this world, please don’t ever let go of my clasped hand. Please don’t wake from this dream. You are the sunlight that rises again in my life, the second advent of my childhood dreams. I don't know what these feelings are, whether this is in a dream, or reality. For I know, dreams are in a blue desert mirage. Becoming joyous like I’m choked from air as my surroundings becoming more transparent. The A priori of my innermost heart. Just take my hands now as you are the cause of my euphoria.

              This great excitement, I can’t explain it. It just happened all of a sudden. Even that is the case, I am still grateful because someone gave another color in my life. Is this the correct answer in my question or is it an another problem? Whatever it is, I just want it to be like this way. Dream or reality. This is my happiness. Now I found what truly makes me happy. The one that will seal the hole in my heart. It is Her ~~


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